The present study was based on a participatory action research (PAR) design with the objectives of developing a participatory health care model for farmers and stakeholders involved in snakeskin gourami fish farming in Bang Bo District. The study was conducted from May 1, 2017 - April 30, 2018. The sample was composed of 85 people who were fish farmers, fish pond owners, and fish farming laborers involved in the processing and distribution of snakeskin gourami, 35 VHVs (village health volunteers), 1 registered nurse, and 1 administrator of a Tambon Health Promoting Hospital (THPH) for a total of 122 subjects. The PAR process involved 3 stages: Stage 1- Situation Analysis, Stage 2 - Participatory Action Research Process, and Stage 3 - Outcome Evaluation. The findings revealed 2 types of health problems: 1) work-related problems: incorrect work behaviors such as lifting heavy objects 1 - 5 times per day, repetitive work postures/positions causing aching bones and muscles and working fast to obtain large amounts and finish in time until work-related accidents occur such as knife cuts, pricked fingers from fish fins and slips/falls and 2) Risks and illnesses caused by chronic disease. The synthesis of the participatory health care model disclosed that the health care activities covered 4 dimensions, encompassing health promotion, disease prevention, treatment, and recovery. The sample had a high level of satisfaction in the organization of the project at a mean of 4.40 of 5 points.