Browsing by Author Jiratha Rachanakul

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021Allele frequencies of single nucleotide polymorphisms of clinically important drug-metabolizing enzymes CYP2C9, CYP2C19, and CYP3A4 in a Thai populationRattanaporn Sukprasong; Sumonrat Chuwongwattana; Napatrupron Koomdee; Thawinee Jantararoungtong; Santirhat Prommas; Pimonpan Jinda; Jiratha Rachanakul; Nutthan Nuntharadthanaphong; Nutcha Jongjitsook; Apichaya Puangpetch; Chonlaphat Sukasem; สุมลรัตน์ ชูวงษ์วัฒนะ; นภัสฤภร คุ้มดี; ธาวิณี จันทรรวงทอง; พิมลพรรณ จินดา; จิรฐา รัชนกูล; ณัชชา จงจิตต์สุข; อภิชญา พวงเพ็ชร์; ชลภัทร สุขเกษม; Mahidol University. Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital; Huachiew Chalermprakiet University. Faculty of Medical Technology; Mahidol University. Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital; Mahidol University. Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital; Mahidol University. Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital; Mahidol University. Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital; Mahidol University. Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital; Mahidol University. Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital; Mahidol University. Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital; Mahidol University. Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital; Mahidol University. Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital