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dc.contributor.authorYuelin Cai-
dc.contributor.authorJingyan Zhao-
dc.contributor.authorWenting He-
dc.contributor.otherHuachiew Chalermprakiet University. Faculty of Business Administrationen
dc.contributor.otherHuachiew Chalermprakiet University. Faculty of Business Administrationen
dc.contributor.otherHuachiew Chalermprakiet University. Faculty of Business Administrationen
dc.descriptionProceedings of the 10th National and International Conference on "Research to Serve Society", 29 June 2023 at Huachiew Chalermprakiet University, Bangphli District, Samutprakarn, Thailand. (e-Conference on Zoom) p. 272-288.en
dc.description.abstract基于泰国教育逐渐被中国学生认可与选择的同时,在泰中国留学生的自律能力问题也 日益凸显。经过调研者对“在泰中国留学生自律能力”的关键词在知网、谷歌学术知 名文献资源库网站进行搜索后,尚未发现相似命题研究成果。因此,为探讨在泰中国 留学生自律能力,本次研究选择以泰国华侨崇圣大学的中国留学生为研究对象,通过 描述性研究法、文献研究法、问卷调查法和观察法进行研究,再使用线上发放问卷的 方式,对研究对象的自律能力进行调查并收集到有效样本数据99 份。通过问卷回收和 问卷数据分析,得出结论:在泰中国留学生对自律能力的理解不够全面和能够积极主 动参与到课堂的学习过程中、言行合一、按照校规要求,注重着装与仪容仪表、合理 安排学习和生活的时间四个方面的表现有所不足。为了能够帮助在泰中国留学生提高 学习效率和独立生活能力,提出三点建议:学校设立在公众平台和学生管理工作岗 位。教师在课堂教导中使用成绩结构表的方式来鼓励学生积极参与课堂讨论和让学生 自觉遵守校规。个人制定个人短期自律表,并每日总结。en
dc.description.abstractAs Thai education is gradually recognized and chosen by Chinese students, the problem of self-discipline of Chinese students in Thailand also becomes increasingly prominent. After investigator searched the key words of "self-discipline of Chinese students in Thailand" on CNKI and Google Scholar academic resource database, no similar research results have been found. So, in order to explore the self-discipline ability of Chinese students in Thailand, this study selected Chinese students from Huachiew Chalermprakiet University in Thailand, as the research objects, to conduct research through descriptive research, literature research, questionnaire survey and observation, and then use the online questionnaire to investigate the self-discipline of the research objects and collect 99 valid sample data. The data shows that Chinese students in Thailand do not have a clear understanding of self-discipline, act less active in learning, the unity of words and deeds, wear proper cloth according to regulation, and arrange their study and life time properly. To help Chinese students in Thailand deal with the problems, there are three suggestions: schools should set up public platforms and student management jobs. Teachers use the method of grade structure table in classroom teaching to encourage students to actively participate in class discussion and make students consciously abide by school rules. Make a personal shortterm self-discipline chart and summarize it daily.en
dc.subjectนักศึกษาจีน – ไทยen
dc.subjectChinese students – Thailanden
dc.subjectSelf-control Disciplineen
dc.title.alternativeA Study on the Self- discipline of Chinese Students in Thailanden
dc.typeProceeding Documenten
Appears in Collections:Business Administration - Proceeding Document

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