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Title: 泰国学生"能愿动词"学习调查与研究
Other Titles: The Research of Model Verbs of Thai Students
Authors: 肖瑜
Xiao, Yu
อมลรดา อุปยโส
Keywords: ภาษาจีน -- ไวยากรณ์
ภาษาจีน -- คำกริยา
汉语 -- 动词
ภาษาจีน -- การใช้ภาษา
汉语 -- 语言使用
ภาษาจีน -- การศึกษาและการสอน -- ผู้พูดภาษาต่างประเทศ
汉语 -- 对外汉语教学 -- 中级教程
Chinese language -- Grammar
Chinese language -- Usage
Chinese language -- Study and teaching -- Foreign speakers
Chinese language -- Study and teaching -- Thailand
ภาษาจีน -- การศึกษาและการสอน -- ไทย
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: Huachiew Chalermprakiet University
Abstract: 现今中文是非常流行的语言之一,因此中文是一个重要的语言。语法对每个语言很重要,其最大的特点是没有严格意义上的形态变化。句子结构对汉语教学非常重要,一个完整的汉语句子成分如下:(定语)主语+(状语)谓语+宾语组成。普通人关于中文大部分困难在于汉字和汉字的写法,但是从研究者的调查研究发现学习中文的学生经常发生的错误是语法。有很多人说中文不难,语法与泰语的语法很相似但是其实学中级到高级发现汉语的语法与中文很大。有人说"如果想学好中文要敢说不要管说得对不对"但是其实语法使用不当,语法不对等于用语不对。论文研究的目的是调查分析能愿动词"会""能""可以""想""要"等方面的使用情况。通过对泰国学生了解"能愿动词" 采用问卷调查以泰国Satitpattana高中生学校30名为调查对象,研究"能愿动词"经常犯错的语法让学生和教师更了解汉语的"能愿动词使用。这项研究采用问卷调查和文献资料分析的方法,对所调查"能愿动词"的分析结果。研究的内容分为四章。第一章概述了泰国国内的"能愿动词"情况。第二章分析了能愿调查偏误。第三章对调查问卷情况进行具体分析。第四章"能愿动词"的教学策略提出建议和改进。研究结果表明能愿动词"可以"属于使用频率高,出现偏误率最高,其次是能愿动词"能""会""想""要"。偏误类型分为两个类型:混用、误代,接着偏误成因分析分为四个类型,主要是从母语变化、教学环境影响、生活环境影响、教材编写、年龄影响。并且对泰国学生"能愿动词"问题提出教学建议。可以发现30个泰国人,曼谷的高中生学习汉语至少360个小时。能愿动词"会""能""可以""想""要"是汉语学习中的重点和难点, 而且对外汉语研究中很重要。
Nowadays, Chinese has gained more popularity and interests across the world. It is an important language spoken by a large number of global population, and China also plays an essential role in world economy. Therefore, the Chinese language is famous with all around the world. Grammar is considered an important part for communicating a language. Many people said Chinese grammar is not difficult because it is quite similar to Thai grammar. In fact, the study of Chinese grammar in medium to advanced level has an impact on learning Chinese. A lot of people consider that to learn Chinese it is better to speak out fluently no matter it is correct or not while using wrong Chinese grammar could lead to communication breakdown and misunderstanding. The aims of the research are 1) to survey and analyze how to use Chinese modal verbs: Hui"会"、Neng"能"、Keyi"可以"、Xiang"想" and Yao"要"from the Hanyujiaocheng textbook, 2) to survey the student's comprehension of the how to use the modal verbs. The sample of this study were 30 students in grade 10 to 12 of Satit Pattana Secondary School. These students learned Chinese up to 8 periods a week. Most of the students had learned Chinese for at least 360 hours. Lastly, this research aims 3) to analyze and survey how teachers and students understand the usages of the modal verbs. The research consisted of the discussions over 4 main topics. The first topic is the explanation of the current situations and rules of the modal verbs used by Thai and foreign students. The second topic is about the survey and analysis the use of modal verbs of Thai students. The third topic is the analysis of the result of the questionnaire survey and the last part is the analysis of the causes of errors in the auxiliary verb of Thai students and research recommendations. From the research, it is found that even though students had an experience of learning Chinese language at least 8 periods a week or roughly 360 hours throughout their life, they still made mistakes on how to use modal verbs. In additional, the explanations and details provided in a book are not clear enough for the students to comprehend the whole concepts of the modal verbs.
Description: Thesis (M.A.) (Teaching Chinese) -- Huachiew Chalermprakiet University, 2021
Appears in Collections:College Of Chinese Studies - Theses

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