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dc.contributor.authorJirawat Pratoomwun-
dc.contributor.authorPaul Thomson-
dc.contributor.authorKanoot Jaruthamsophon-
dc.contributor.authorRawiporn Tiyasirichokchai-
dc.contributor.authorPimonpan Jinda-
dc.contributor.authorTicha Rerkpattanapipat-
dc.contributor.authorWichittra Tassaneeyakul-
dc.contributor.authorNontaya Nakkam-
dc.contributor.authorPawinee Rerknimitr-
dc.contributor.authorJettanong Klaewsongkram-
dc.contributor.authorYuttana Srinoulprasert-
dc.contributor.authorMunir Pirmohamed-
dc.contributor.authorDean J Naisbitt-
dc.contributor.authorChonlaphat Sukasem-
dc.contributor.authorจิรวัส ประทุมวัน-
dc.contributor.authorคณุตม์ จารุธรรมโสภณ-
dc.contributor.authorรวิพร ติยะศิริโชคชัย-
dc.contributor.authorพิมลพรรณ จินดา-
dc.contributor.authorทิชา ฤกษ์พัฒนาพิพัฒน์-
dc.contributor.authorวิจิตรา ทัศนียกุล-
dc.contributor.authorนนทญา นาคคำ-
dc.contributor.authorภาวิณี ฤกษ์นิมิตร-
dc.contributor.authorเจตทะนง แกล้วสงคราม-
dc.contributor.authorยุทธนา ศรีนวลประเสริฐ-
dc.contributor.authorชลภัทร สุขเกษม-
dc.contributor.otherHuachiew Chalermprakiet University. Faculty of Medical Technologyen
dc.contributor.otherUniversity of Liverpool. Department of Molecular and Clinical Pharmacologyen
dc.contributor.otherPrince of Songkla University. Faculty of Medicineen
dc.contributor.otherMahidol University. Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospitalen
dc.contributor.otherMahidol University. Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospitalen
dc.contributor.otherMahidol University. Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospitalen
dc.contributor.otherKhon Kaen University. Faculty of Medicineen
dc.contributor.otherKhon Kaen University. Faculty of Medicineen
dc.contributor.otherChulalongkorn University. Faculty of Medicineen
dc.contributor.otherChulalongkorn University. Faculty of Medicineen
dc.contributor.otherMahidol University. Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospitalen
dc.contributor.otherDepartment of Molecular and Clinical Pharmacology, University of Liverpooen
dc.contributor.otherDepartment of Molecular and Clinical Pharmacology, University of Liverpooen
dc.contributor.otherMahidol University. Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospitalen
dc.identifier.citationFront Immunol 2021 Apr 29;12:658593en
dc.identifier.otherdoi: 10.3389/fimmu.2021.658593-
dc.descriptionสามารถเข้าถึงบทความฉบับเต็ม (Full Text) ได้ที่ :
dc.description.abstractHLA-B*13:01-positive patients in Thailand can develop frequent co-trimoxazole hypersensitivity reactions. This study aimed to characterize drug-specific T cells from three co-trimoxazole hypersensitive patients presenting with either Stevens-Johnson syndrome or drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms. Two of the patients carried the HLA allele of interest, namely HLA-B*13:01. Sulfamethoxazole and nitroso sulfamethoxazole specific T cell clones were generated from T cell lines of co-trimoxazole hypersensitive HLA-B*13:01-positive patients. Clones were characterized for antigen specificity and cross-reactivity with structurally related compounds by measuring proliferation and cytokine release. Surface marker expression was characterized via flow cytometry. Mechanistic studies were conducted to assess pathways of T cell activation in response to antigen stimulation. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells from all patients were stimulated to proliferate and secrete IFN-γ with nitroso sulfamethoxazole. All sulfamethoxazole and nitroso sulfamethoxazole specific T cell clones expressed the CD4+ phenotype and strongly secreted IL-13 as well as IFN-γ, granzyme B and IL-22. No secretion of IL-17 was observed. A number of nitroso sulfamethoxazole-specific clones cross-reacted with nitroso dapsone but not sulfamethoxazole whereas sulfamethoxazole specific clones cross-reacted with nitroso sulfamethoxazole only. The nitroso sulfamethoxazole specific clones were activated in both antigen processing-dependent and -independent manner, while sulfamethoxazole activated T cell responses via direct HLA binding. Furthermore, activation of nitroso sulfamethoxazole-specific, but not sulfamethoxazole-specific, clones was blocked with glutathione. Sulfamethoxazole and nitroso sulfamethoxazole specific T cell clones from hypersensitive patients were CD4+ which suggests that HLA-B*13:01 is not directly involved in the iatrogenic disease observed in co-trimoxazole hypersensitivity patients.en
dc.subjectDrug allergyen
dc.subjectHuman leukocyte antigenen
dc.subjectT cellsen
dc.subjectDrug hypersensitivity-
dc.titleCharacterization of T-Cell Responses to SMX and SMX-NO in Co-Trimoxazole Hypersensitivity Patients Expressing HLA-B*13:01en
Appears in Collections:Medical Technology - Artical Journals

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