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dc.contributor.authorSuwatsa Punneng-
dc.contributor.authorSara Arphorn-
dc.contributor.authorChatchai Thanachoksawang-
dc.contributor.authorGoontalee Bangkadanara-
dc.contributor.authorChaiyanun Tangtong-
dc.contributor.authorSuchinda Jarupat Maruo-
dc.contributor.authorNiranyakarn Chantra-
dc.contributor.authorDensak Yogyorn-
dc.contributor.authorTomohiro Ishimaru-
dc.contributor.authorสุวัสสา. ปั้นเหน่ง-
dc.contributor.authorสรา อาภรณ์-
dc.contributor.authorชัชชัย ธนโชคสว่าง-
dc.contributor.authorกุณฑลีย์ บังคะดานรา-
dc.contributor.authorไชยนันต์ แท่งทอง-
dc.contributor.authorสุจินดา จารุพัฒน์ มารุโอ-
dc.contributor.authorนิรัญกาญจ์ จันทรา-
dc.contributor.authorเด่นศักดิ์ ยกยอน-
dc.contributor.otherMahidol University. Faculty of Public Healthen
dc.contributor.otherMahidol University. Faculty of Public Healthen
dc.contributor.otherMahidol University. Faculty of Public Healthen
dc.contributor.otherSukhothai Thammathirat Open University. School of Health Scienceen
dc.contributor.otherMahidol University. Faculty of Public Healthen
dc.contributor.otherMahidol University. Faculty of Public Healthen
dc.contributor.otherHuachiew Chalermprakiet University. Faculty of Public Health and Environmenten
dc.contributor.otherMahidol University. Faculty of Public Healthen
dc.contributor.otherUniversity of Occupational and Environmental Health. School of Medicine (Japan)en
dc.identifier.citationFrontiers in Public Health 12 – 2024en
dc.descriptionสามารถเข้าถึงบทความฉบับเต็ม (Full Text) : ได้ที่
dc.description.abstractBackground: This study aimed to develop a mental health action checklist for high school students that emphasized the importance of readiness, safety, and good hygiene at work to enhance their mental health and prepare them for the workforce. Methods: In total, 949 students from public high schools in Bangkok, Thailand voluntarily participated in this study. The 15-item High School Mental Health Action Checklist was developed based on a literature review and a pilot study. We used the index of item-objective congruence (IOC) to verify the content validity of the Checklist and exploratory factor analysis (EFA) to establish its construct validity. The tool’s internal consistency was estimated using Cronbach’s alpha coefficient. Results: The High School Mental Health Action Checklist had good content (IOC = 0.867) and construct validity. EFA revealed four factors that accounted for 46.5% of the variance. The overall reliability coefficient for the High School Mental Health Action Checklist was 0.788, and the reliability coefficients of the subdomains were 0.783–0.797. Conclusion: The Checklist will allow schools to develop an annual action plan for student mental health promotion activities, in accordance with public health guidelines. Our results indicate the High School Student Mental Health Action Checklist has good psychometric properties.en
dc.subjectHigh school students -- Thailand -- Bangkoken
dc.subjectนักเรียนมัธยมศึกษา -- ไทย -- กรุงเทพฯen
dc.subjectMental healthen
dc.subjectHigh school students -- Health and hygieneen
dc.subjectนักเรียนมัธยมศึกษา -- สุขภาพและอนามัยen
dc.subjectHigh school students -- Psychological testingen
dc.subjectนักเรียนมัธยมศึกษา -- การทดสอบทางจิตวิทยาen
dc.subjectCommunication in public healthen
dc.titleDeveloping a High School Mental Health Action Checklist in Thailand: insights on perception and communicationen
Appears in Collections:Public and Environmental Health - Artical Journals

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