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dc.contributor.advisorFu, Feiliang-
dc.contributor.authorHu, Yanhua-
dc.descriptionThesis (M.A.) (Teaching Chinese) -- Huachiew Chalermprakiet University, 2021th
dc.description.abstract根据中泰两国政府携手推进的赴泰汉语教师项目, 近些年派赴泰国的汉语教师每年都有近1600名, 其中, 有超过三分之一是在泰国各府的中学任教. 在与所任教学校的师生交往中, 他们难免会遇到文化冲突和文化适应的问题. 了解受教育对象的文化特点及其形成背景, 有利于帮助他们化解可能的文化冲突, 尽快完成文化适应, 从而提高对外汉语教学的成效. 本论文从校园文化和跨文化交际的基本理论出发, 以泰国的中学校园文化和赴泰中学汉语教师的文化适应问题为主要研究对象, 试图通过对泰国中学校园文化特色内容的概括, 特殊形成背景的探究, 以及中泰两国中学校园文化差异的比较, 和赴泰中学汉语教师文化适应的主要障碍的揭示, 最终帮助赴泰中学汉语教师尽快找到有效的应对策略并最终完成文化适应. 论文分四个部分:第一部分, 绪论. 在绪论部分主要是阐明这篇论文的选题背景和进行这一研究有什么意义, 然后是对前人的研究进行综述, 在此基础上, 阐明本论文的写作目的, 主要方法, 内容和可能的创新点. 第二部分, 泰国的中学校园文化. 从探讨校园文化的内涵和中学校园文化的独特性开始, 本部分的研究重心在于集中归纳和概括出泰国中学校园文化的主要特色内容, 进而通过深入解析其形成背景以彰显出泰国中学校园文化的独特性, 为下一步开展中泰两国中学校园文化的比较, 和赴泰中学汉语教师文化适应问题的初探打下基础. 第三部分, 跨文化交际与赴泰中学汉语教师文化适应问题. 从跨文化交际的基本理论问题----文化冲突和文化适应出发, 结合泰国中学校园文化的主要特色内容及其形成背景, 本部分的研究重心在于揭示出中泰两国中学校园文化的主要差异, 进而将研究的视角投向赴泰中学汉语教师在泰文化适应现状, 力图揭示出导致赴泰中学汉语教师产生文化适应困难的主要障碍. 第四部分, 赴泰中学汉语教师的文化适应策略. 从赴泰中学汉语教师文化适应评价出发, 在前述研究的基础上, 结合赴泰中学汉语教师的工作和生活实际, 探讨有效帮助赴泰中学汉语教师尽快实现文化适应的基本策略.th
dc.description.abstractAccording to the Chinese Teachers in Thailand Program jointly promoted by the Chinese and Thai governments, in recent every year, there are nearly 1,600 Chinese teachers are sent to Thailand and more than one third of them teach at middle schools in various provinces across Thailand. It is inevitable for a Chinese teacher to encounter problems of cultural conflict and cultural adaptation when he/she communicate with teachers and students in the oversea country. Therefore, knowing the characteristics of the student's culture and how it's come into being will help them to deal with possible cultural conflicts and accomplish cultural adaptation as soon as possible, therefore, the effectiveness of them will be improved. This article focuses on the Thai Middle Schools Culture and the cultural adaptation problem faced by the Chinese teachers dispatched to teach at middle schools of Thailand, attempting to help them identify effective coping strategies as soon as possible and finally achieve their cultural adaptation by summarizing the characteristics of Thai middle school campus culture, want to find the special background of them, and to compare the different between China campus culture and Thai campus culture, in the end to reveal the main obstacles stay in front of Chinese teachers who are dispatched to teach at middle schools of Thailand. This article consists of four parts:Part one: Introduction. In the first part, the author aimed at to introduce the research background and the significance of his research. Part two: Campus Culture of Thai Middle Schools. The author starts his research from the discussion of the connotation of campus culture, therefor, to review the main characteristic contents and its uniqueness, through in-depth analysis of its background of development, which will lay a well theory foundation for the comparison of Chinese and Thai middle school campus cultures in the next chapter. Part three: Intercultural Communication and the Cultural Adaptation Problem of Chinese Teachers Dispatched to Teach at Middle schools of Thailand. Firstly, the thesis has discussed the cultural conflict and cultural adaptation, however, they are basic theoretical problems of cross-cultural communication. Secondly, they focus on to reveal the main differences between China middle schools and Thai middle schools. Thirdly, the research shifts its perspective to the current situation of Chinese teachers who are dispatched to teach at middle schools of Thailand, trying to reveal the main obstacles which cause the difficulty of them in cultural adaptation. Part four: Cultural Adaptation Strategies of Chinese Teachers Dispatched to Teach at Middle Schools of Thailand. The author tries to find the basic strategies to help such Chinese teachers to achieve cultural adaptation as soon as possible on the basis of the evaluation of such Chinese teachers in the light of their life and work in
dc.publisherHuachiew Chalermprakiet Universityth
dc.subjectครู -- จีนth
dc.subjectSocial adjustmentth
dc.subjectCross-cultural orientationth
dc.subjectChinese language teachersth
dc.subjectHigh school teachingth
dc.subjectChina -- Social life and customsth
dc.subject老师 -- 中国-
dc.title.alternativeA Study on the Campus Culture of Thai Middle Schools and the Cultural Adaptation Strategies of Chinese Teachers Teaching Chinese language in Thai Middle Schoolsth
Appears in Collections:College Of Chinese Studies - Theses

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