Today, digitalization is ubiquitous and pervasive in our lives, and its impact is enormous; capable of changing organizational structures in all industries. In this ever changing digital organizational environment, hospital leaders need to understand what kind of impact their actions have on the hospital. The aim of this thesis is to use exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) to investigate the factorial structure of digital leadership in a hospital context. The hospital management problem in hospital leadership behavior is that leaders do not have the concept of coordinating and participating in the management of the organization and do not know how to communicate and solicit input from employees. Therefore, digital leaders must be made a ware of how to use digital technology to manage the hospital implementation plans. Furthermore, leaders themselves need to manage the digital organization well using the right leadership support behaviors and mentoring behaviors for the organization to continue to grow. The researcher drew the sample for the study survey from the existing 3302people in the First Affiliated Hospital of Gannan Medical College. The Yamane formula with 95% confidence limits yielded a minimum sample size of 357 persons. However, data will be collected from 80-100% of the target group as sample size is considered a top priority issue for CFA (Shumacker & Lomax, 2012) because CFA is a method essentially based on correlation coefficients. Whether the coefficient is an adequate estimate of the population correlation affects statistical inferences and validity, i.e. the more stable the sample correlations, the more valid the scores(Schumacker & Lomax, 2015; Finch et al., 2016). In contrast, smaller samples potentially produce more unstable correlation estimates and are more prone to outliers (Finch et al., 2016). The researcher posted the questionnaire and collected the survey data on WeChat Questionnaire Star (APP). The survey questionnaire is a closed-ended questionnaire that consists of three parts. The first part is about the demographic information of the sample. For example, gender, age, department, position, etc. The second contains options for specific questions related to leadership behaviors. The third contains options for questions related to digital leadership behaviors. In addition to this, the researcher will employ video interviews with two vice presidents and three physician directors. The respondents will be asked about their responses to the questionnaire and data will be collected to analyze the characteristic behaviors of the study participants.