With Thai government strongly supports Chinese Language and gained popularity in Thailand. Though there is still full of problems for a Basic Comprehensive Chinese Teaching which is important for Beginner levels. Due to my limitation on Teaching Chinese Experiences and time during the practicing Teaching Chinese Program at Matthayom Wat Thatthong School, I had discovered many students confront many problems from a Basic Comprehensive Chinese course Teaching. Therefore, in this Thesis paper mainly takes Matthayom Wat Thatthong School as a case study, Also Researching on Basic Comprehensive Chinese courses through the relevant theories; from different resources, combined with conducting a questionnaire survey towards students for the questions were related to students’ problem included Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing skills. Also, the author had summarized a student’s learning Chinese obstacles, with the author’s suggestions to solve Basic Comprehensive Chinese course teaching’ problems for Matthayom Wat Thatthong School’ students and the audiences.
随着中泰两国在政治、经济、文化上的不断交往,而泰国政府也大力支持汉语在泰国的推广,汉语教学已被整合到泰国的教育体系中,并引进了社会各界的广泛关注。尽管泰国基础教育设计中也包括了汉语课程, 但在基础教育阶段汉语教学仍充满了挑战和问题。由笔者有机会在Matthayom Wat Thatthong 学校进行汉语综合课教学,而在Matthayom Wat Thatthong 学校的主要汉语课型是综合课,汉语综合课是汉语教学中的核心课程,汉语教学的重中之重,其教学直接关系到学习者整个汉语学习的效果。因为笔者在有限的时间和有限的汉语教学经验,在Matthayom Wat Thatthong 学校作实习老师时,笔者发现学生在汉语综合课教学存在着一些问题。本论文以Matthayom Wat Thatthong 学校为研究对象,并对初级汉语综合课教学进行研究分析具有特殊性。本论文通过初级汉语综合课教学的研究、第二语言习得理论和原则等资料,且对该校的汉语教室的中学生从事调查研究,对于本次的问卷调查笔者准备120份纸质调查问卷包括初中一到初中三和高中一到高中三,每个教室20人,而笔者最终回收的问卷调查共计117份并进行分析。对于本次调查问卷的主要内容是Matthayom Wat Thatthong 学校的学生在课堂学习汉语时最常面对的四项基本技能;本文也以调查问卷通过结果分析以及对比分析进行总结并对该学校的综合课教学以及对初级汉语综合课教学感兴趣的观众提出对策和建议。