The main purpose of this research is to study the characteristics of Chinese classes in Thai middle schools. The author has chosen 3 middle schools in Samutprakarn Province to study the results of various class activities. To obtain the results the author has interviewed both teachers and students then analyzed the problems that were raised. After analyzing the author then provides some suggestions to make those classes more efficient. The purpose of teaching Chinese is to improve students' Chinese language skills so that they can communicate in the language and understand the culture. The teachers must arrange appropriate and varied class activities while building a conducive learning environment, so that students develop a positive attitude towards learning Chinese. The class activities should help students understand Chinese more quickly and easily, and efficiently enhance their listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. At the end of the thesis, based on the research results, the author suggests that teachers should analyze students' potential before designing class activities and choosing teaching materials. The class should include more active activities rather than traditional lecturing. Moreover, the teaching material should be of an appropriate size and be attractive, provide language experience to improve communicative competence, and motivate students to practice the language frequently.
本研究主要探讨泰国北榄府三所中学汉语教学中课堂活动的基本情况。旨在了解目前泰国中学汉语教学中课堂活动的情况,并通过调查学生对不同汉语教学课堂活动的满意度,分析目前课堂活动设计在激发学生学习主动性方面的作用和不足。通过综合分析学生学习主动性的调动作用和学习成绩的提升效果,总结出目前课堂活动设计的特点和不足,并提出针对性的建议和措施。对外汉语教学的主要目标是培养学生的语言交际能力和文化意识,帮助他们有效地掌握汉语,实现跨文化交流和理解。 在对外汉语教学中,课堂活动是课堂教学的重要组成部分。教师需要根据学生的不同背景和需求来设计和开展多种形式的课堂活动,以激发学生的学习兴趣和积极性,提高他们的汉语水平和文化素养。同时,教师也需要注意课堂氛围的营造和维护,保持积极向上、互动开放的态度,让学生在轻松愉悦的氛围中学习汉语。 因此,本文研究以泰国北榄府三所中学的课堂活动为例,探讨泰国中学汉语教学中课堂活动设计的有效性,旨在丰富相关研究并为对外汉语教学的课堂活动设计提供有效建议,以提高教学效率。通过研究结果,作者建议教师在设计课堂活动和选择教材之前,应分析学生的潜力。课堂活动应包含更多的积极活动,而非传统的讲授。此外,教材应具有适当的规模和吸引力,提供语言经验以提高交际能力并激励学生频繁练习语言。