The Purpose of this research were studied Tiktok Application in helping to teach Chinese. According for teaching Chinese as a foreign language, the use of mother tongue should be avoided or reduced as far as possible in the classroom, and various Chinese situational teaching should be created, so that students' learning effect will be better. However, in Thai Chinese classes, most Thai Chinese teachers overuse Thai to teach Chinese, and are used to communicating with students in Thai. Thai students lack the opportunity and time to practice listening and speaking Chinese, resulting in students being unable to effectively learn Chinese. Spoken language is used in real life. Most Thai Chinese teachers are still using traditional teaching methods in Chinese teaching. In order for students to pass the exam, teachers focus on memorizing, reading, and copying, which makes students not interested in learning Chinese. Therefore, in order to improve students' oral Chinese expression ability, students should often practice their listening and speaking skills. In the Chinese class, students have less ability to practice oral English, so if you want to improve students’ oral Chinese ability, you must first understand the situation of students learning Chinese, and then you can teach in a targeted manner, and then help students improve their Chinese listening and speaking ability. The Douyin app is good for improving the listening and speaking skills of Chinese language students. Students can practice their listening comprehension by watching Douyin short videos about Chinese. Since the content of short videos is usually 1-3 minutes, if students don’t understand, they can listen to them repeatedly. In addition, Douyin APP also has the function of Duet, through which students can practice Chinese pronunciation, including Chinese expression ability. The author believes that Douyin is a tool that can assist Thai students in learning Chinese. The author plans to explore the application of Douyin APP in assisting oral Chinese teaching through the junior high school students of Royal High School in Bangkok, Thailand, hoping to find out Chinese teaching that is helpful to the school through research, so as to be enthusiastic about Chinese teaching in Thai middle schools. Provide a little reference for people with lofty ideals, and also provide a little help for students learning Chinese.
众所周知学习语言的最终目的是为了在生活中能够自如地运用。泰国人也把汉语作为第三种语言,但在泰国本地人学习汉语中许多学生存在听说能力较差,生活实践能力不足等问题。据笔者研究,导致这个现象在的原因有很多例如汉语课时太少、学生缺乏语言环境、泰国教师的汉语教学方法等。 泰国的汉语教学注重读写能力,一般给学生布置的作业是抄写课文和背词语然后听写。这样的作业不能高学生的听说能力,而且汉字笔画多难写,过多的抄写和听写作业变成学生的负担。如果只注重学生的考试成绩,没有在实际生活中让学生多锻炼和实践,难以确保学生的学习质量。这是把学习语言的自然性颠倒了过来。 TikTok(抖音海外版)在泰国深得泰国人的喜爱,其中有不少的汉语做汉语内容的博主。笔者认为抖音app是一个能辅助泰国学生学习汉语的工具,抖音APP里的汉语短视频对学生学习汉语有帮助,特别是有利于提高学生的听说能力。泰国本地人学习汉语的群体可以通过观看关于汉语的抖音短视频练习听力,另外抖音APP还有 Duet的功能,允许用户使用另一个创建者的视频创建内容。这两个视频在分割屏幕上并排显示,并将同时播放。学生可以通过Duet功能练习汉语发音以及汉语表达能力。 短视频不受时间和空间限制,只要有网络,学生就完全可以按照自己的需求来安排上课时间和地点。短视频也能调动和增强学生的积极性和互动性,克服了传统语言教学里教师单一讲授的局限。有利于加强学生之间的文化交流,生动灵活地解决跨文化交际中的障碍和冲突,同时从某种意义上来说,短视频也可以成为汉语教学工作者的“移动教材”。笔者以泰国北榄府泰国曼谷邦高皇家圣谕中学初中生为研究对象,探讨抖音APP辅助汉语口语教学的应用,通过问卷调查和访谈的方式对泰国曼谷邦高皇家圣谕中学初中的课堂教学现状、学习需求及通过笔者尝试用抖音来辅助汉 学习需求及通过笔者尝试用抖音来辅助汉语教学,对现有的汉语教学的方式方法进行研究分析,在此基础上提出了如何利用抖音App学好汉语的相关建议和策略。