Many languages in the world can be roughly divided into tonal languages and non - tonal languages according to whether there are tones. As we all know, Chinese belongs to tone language. The acquisition of Chinese pronunciation is the basis of the acquisition of Chinese as a second language. Chinese tone has a distinctive role. Therefore, the acquisition of Chinese tone is the focus and difficulty of Chinese pronunciation acquisition. Although both Thai and Chinese are tonal languages, the tone values of the two languages are different. Combined with the working experience of studying in Thailand and teaching Chinese to Thai students for many years, the author found that for Thai students at the primary stage whose mother tongue is Thai, they still need to re-learn a set of pitch patterns different from their native tone system, so errors will inevitably occur when learning Chinese tones. In actual teaching, tone is also the biggest difficulty in the whole phonetic learning of Thai foreign students. The tone acquisition of students studying in the same classroom is also different. The tone problem always exists in the whole process of Chinese acquisition. For Thai students at the primary stage, if they do not correctly acquire Chinese tones, the problem of "Thai accent and Thai tone" will inevitably arise. Therefore, the author believes that teaching Chinese tones more effectively and accurately to second language learners is an important task in Chinese phonetics teaching, especially in the early stage of Chinese teaching.Based on the previous research results, this paper synthesizes my many years of teaching Chinese as a foreign language and the research results of Thai phonetics, and compares and analyzes the similarities and differences between Chinese and Thai tones. The Chinese tone teaching program for Thai international students in the first stage, and through the teaching experiment, tested the effect of the tone teaching program, and after a comprehensive evaluation of the experimental situation of Chinese tone teaching, finally proposed a Chinese tone teaching strategy for Thai international students in the primary stage.
世界上的众多语言,按照是否有声调来划分,大致可以分为非声调语言和声调语言两种类型。众所周知,汉语归属于声调语言。汉语的语音学习是汉语作为二语习得的基础,由于汉语声调具有区分词义的功能,因此,汉语声调习得是汉语语音习得的重点和难点。尽管泰语和汉语一样都属于声调语言,但两种语言的调值却不尽相同。结合泰国学习经历及多年对泰国留学生进行汉语教学的工作经验,笔者发现,对于母语为泰语的初级阶段的泰国留学生而言,他们需要重新学习一套跟母语声调不相同的声调模式,因而在学习汉语声调过程中就会不可避免产生偏误。在教学实践中,声调也是泰国留学生语音习得过程中最大的难点之一,我们常常发现,学生们虽然在同一课堂接受汉语声调学习,但是其习得的情况却大相径庭,汉语学习过程中始终存在声调的问题。对于泰国留学生而言,没有正确习得汉语声调,将不可避免产生“泰腔泰调”的问题。因此,笔者认为,汉语学习初期的首要任务和汉语语音教学的重点就是将汉语声调更有效、更准确地教授给第二语言学习者。 本文在前人研究成果基础上,综合本人多年对外汉语教学实际以及泰语语音研究成果,通过对比分析汉语和泰语声调异同,对初级阶段泰国留学生汉语声调习得偏误情况进行总结,设计出适合初级阶段泰国留学生的汉语声调教学方案,并通过教学实验的方式,测试声调教学方案效果,经过对汉语声调教学实验情况进行综合的效果评估,最后提出针对初级阶段泰国留学生汉语声调教学策略。