目前面对泰国幼儿多语言教育的快速发展, 越来越多的泰国幼儿从小就在中, 英, 泰三语学习环境中成长, "母语式"学习三种语言. 通过笔者在泰国国际幼儿园任职期间对五位泰国幼儿的长期观察, 发现在泰国泰英双语环境下, 泰国幼儿汉语习得情况具有很大的研究意义. 本文通过汉语, 泰语, 英语语言技能测试数据进行整理分析总结, 探究在泰英双语环境下, 泰国幼儿汉语语言技能习得发展情况, 探寻汉语教师在幼儿三语同时习得环境下进行汉语教学存在的问题, 并向幼儿汉语教师提出相对建议, 望促进泰国幼儿汉语教学的进一步发展和提高.
At present, facing the rapid development of multilingual education for children in Thailand, more and more Thai children grow up in a trilingual learning environment of Chinese, English and Thai, and learn three languages "in their mother tongue". Through the author's long-term observation of five Thai children during his tenure in Thailand International Kindergarten, it is found that under the bilingual environment of Thai and English, the Chinese acquisition of Thai children is of great research significance. In this paper, Chinese, Thai, English language skills test data analysis summary, explore in Thai/English bilingual environment, Thai children Chinese language skill acquisition development situation, to explore Chinese language teachers in the three language acquisition environment at the same time to the problems existing in the Chinese language teaching, and puts forward relative Suggestions to Chinese teachers, Hope to promote the further development and improvement of Chinese teaching for children in Thailand.