随着中国经济实力的日益增强, 汉语受到越来越多外国人的青睐和喜爱. 泰国作为中国的传统友好盟国, 更是将汉语纳入了泰国的国民教育体系, 现有1700多所中小学开设汉语课堂, 学生超过80万人. 与此同时, 随着互联网和智能手机的普及, 用手机APP来进行学习成为了一种越来越普遍的现象. 因此探讨汉语学习APP用于辅助对外汉语教学成为了一件有意义的课题. 本研究将对泰国斯坦福国际大学初级汉语(一)两个班进行常规教学和汉语学习APP辅助教学的对比实证研究分析, 以探讨汉语学习APP在泰国初级汉语教学中的有效性, 并对使用汉语学习APP辅助教学提出建议. 首先, 通过文献研究法分析语言学习类APP应用于教学的研究现状和初级汉语教学的相关教学方法. 其次, 梳理了汉语学习APP教学的理论依据, 建构主义学习理论, 多模态理论和移动学习理论. 在教学实践前, 笔者系统地分析了所选实践对象所在学校的基本情况, 教师情况和教材配置情况. 笔者与任课老师为两个班级设计了初级汉语课的教案, 并选定了用于辅助教学的汉语学习APP, 设计了每节课使用汉语学习APP的长度和频率, 以及在汉语学习APP辅助教学的实践中教师在课前, 课中和课后需要承担的任务. 经过一个学期的教学实践, 再结合调查问卷, 采访和测验得出实践结果, 研究结果表明汉语学习APP辅助教学对口语, 语音和词汇学习效果明显, 对语法学习的效果不非常明显. 汉语学习APP辅助教学能够提高学生学习汉语的兴趣以及增加课后学习汉语的频率. 最后分析了使用汉语学习APP教学的优势和劣势, 并给出了使用汉语学习APP教学的建议.
With the increasing economic strength and the international recognition of China, learning Chinese language is becoming favored by more and more foreigners. At the time of this research project, there were currently more than 1,700 primary and secondary schools offering Chinese classes for more than 800,000 students in Thailand. Learning with mobile apps (applications) has become an increasingly common phenomenon. Therefore, exploring the use of Chinese language learning apps to assist in teaching Chinese as a foreign language has become a very significant and meaningful topic. This study conducted empirical research and analysis by comparing regular teaching methods with Chinese language learning app-assisted teaching in two classes of Stamford International University for Elementary Chinese (level I) over the length of one semester. The purpose of the research was to explore the effectiveness of Chinese language learning apps in Elementary Chinese for assisting in teaching and also for providing suggestions for using apps to assist in teaching in the future. First of all, the author analyzed the current research status of the apps that are applied to teaching and the methodology of elementary Chinese language teaching by studying the related literature in this field. Secondly, the researcher analyzed the theoretical basis of apps that assist language teaching, which included the constructivist learning theory, the multi-modal learning theory and the mobile learning theory. Before any teaching practice was undertaken, the author systematically evaluated the basic situation of the school, the academic background of the teacher together with the details of the teaching materials used. The author and the teacher designed the basic Chinese lesson plans for the two classes; selected the apps for assisting the teaching methodology; and determined the length and frequency of using the apps. The author and the teacher decided what specific tasks the teacher needed to undertake before, during and after each class. After a semester of observing the relevant teaching practices, combined with questionnaires, interviews and tests, the results of the different teaching practices were obtained. The research results showed that Chinese language learning apps used to assist teaching had obvious positive effects on oral, phonetic and vocabulary learning, but not very obvious effects on grammar learning. Chinese language learning apps used in assisting into teaching can increase students' interest in learning Chinese and improve the frequency of extending their learning of Chinese language after class. Finally, the advantages and disadvantages of using Chinese language learning apps for teaching are provided in the Conclusion, and suggestions for using Chinese language learning apps for teaching in the future are offered as well.