随着汉语国际教育事业的发展, 以及中泰两国的政治经贸的发展与合作的深入, 汉语已经纳入泰国基础教育体系, 越来越多的泰国学生开始了汉语学习的旅程. 汉语多义动词"做"是《汉语水平词汇与汉字等级大纲》8822词中的甲级词汇, 也是HSK1级的甲级词汇, 是泰国学生在初级阶段必学的基础词汇之一. "做"在泰语中相对应的词语是"ทำ/Tham33". "ทำ/Tham33"是泰国教育部指定小学一年级课本中的基础词汇, 是多义动词, 在泰语中被广泛使用. 汉语"做"与泰语的"ทำ/Tham33"虽然在两种语言中有对应关系, 但是绝非是义项完全相同的一一对应关系. 本文将汉语"做"与泰语的"ทำ/Tham33"的义项进行了较大范围的取证并且进行了逐一对比, 得出释义, 使用范围, 搭配上的"同"与"异", 通过对比分析, 得出泰语"ทำ/Tham33"的义项更多, 使用范围更广. 与此同时, 文章从以泰语为母语的汉语学习者的角度, 泰国籍汉语教师的角度以及中国籍汉语教师的角度进行了有针对性的问卷调研, 并通过语料库收集了泰国学习者有关"做"的中介语语料, 综合二者, 归纳了泰国汉语学习者在学习"做"的过程中可能出现的偏误类型, 并给出了相对应的教学策略及建议.
With the development of Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language, as well as the political and economic development and cooperation between China and Thailand, Chinese has been incorporated into Thailand's basic education system, and more and more Thai students begin their journey of learning Chinese. Chinese polysemous verb "ZUO" is a Class-A word in 8822 words in the outline of Chinese Proficiency Vocabulary and Chinese character grade, and also a Class-A word in Hsk1. It is one of the basic words that Thai students must learn at the primary stage. The corresponding word of "Zuo" in Thai is "ทำ/Tham33". "ทำ/Tham33"is a polysemous verb, which is widely used in Thai. Although there is a corresponding relationship between Chinese "Zuo" and Thai "ทำ/Tham33". it is by no means a one-to-one correspondence with the same meaning. In this paper, the meanings of Chinese "Zuo" and Thai "ทำ/Tham33" are being compared and analyzed, between the similarities and differences in interpretation, scope of use and collocation are obtained. Through the comparative analysis, it is concluded that Thai "ทำ/Tham33" has more meanings and wider scope of use. At the same time, this paper conducts a targeted questionnaire survey from the perspective of Thai native Chinese learners, Thai Chinese teachers and Chinese teachers, and collects a large number of Thai learners' interlanguage materials about "Zuo" through the corpus. Combining the two, this paper summarizes the possible problems of Thai Chinese learners in the process of learning "doing" And the corresponding teaching strategies and suggestions are given