"礼仪文化"是人们在长期共同生活和相互交往的过程中逐渐形成, 并且以风俗, 习惯和传统等方式共同约定的一种交际方式. 礼仪文化是汉语文化的重要内容, 学好汉语中的礼仪文化有利于泰国学生更好地理解, 把握汉语, 泰国学生只有学好汉语中的礼仪文化, 才能更全面地掌握汉语. 本篇论文通过探究中泰礼仪文化的差异, 找出曼谷市圣唯寺学校汉语礼仪文化教学的障碍, 这些障碍主要包括来自语言方面的障碍, 来自非语言方面的障碍, 来自其他方面的障碍三个方面. 本文从这些障碍着手, 分析研究出提升曼谷市圣唯寺学校汉语礼仪文化教学水平的策略, 这些策略主要包括:开设中国礼仪文化课程, 提升中国礼仪文化的教学技巧, 语言方面的教学策略, 非语言方面的教学策略四个方面. 通过曼谷市圣唯寺学校汉语礼仪文化教学策略的制定, 希望能为汉语在泰国的礼仪文化教学和汉语教学提供一些实际性的教学建议和理论指导, 帮助泰国学生更好地理解和把握中国的礼仪文化, 进一步提升泰国学生的汉语水平, 弘扬中华优秀的传统文化.
"Etiquette culture" is a kind of communication way that people gradually form in the process of long-term common life and mutual communication, and agree with each other by means of customs, habits and traditions. Etiquette culture is an important part of Chinese culture. Learning Chinese etiquette culture well is conducive to Thai students' better understanding and grasp of Chinese. Thai students can master Chinese more comprehensively only by learning Chinese etiquette culture well. This paper explores the language barriers from three aspects: Chinese etiquette barriers and cultural barriers. Starting from these obstacles, this paper analyzes and studies the strategies to improve the teaching level of Chinese etiquette culture in Shengwei Temple School in Bangkok. These strategies mainly include four aspects: setting up Chinese etiquette culture courses, improving the teaching skills of Chinese etiquette culture, language teaching strategies and non language teaching strategies. Through the development of Chinese etiquette culture teaching strategy in Bangkok Shengwei Temple School, we hope to provide some practical teaching suggestions and theoretical guidance for Chinese etiquette culture teaching and Chinese teaching in Thailand, help Thai students better understand and grasp Chinese etiquette culture, further improve Thai students' Chinese level, and carry forward Chinese excellent traditional culture