学习动机是语言学习者的内在驱动力, 学习策略则是语言学习者用来获取更多知识的学习方法. 两者作为对个体学习者差异展开研究的主要要素, 在研究第二语言中具有关键地位. 汉语学习动机和策略研究是以汉语作为第二语言的学习者为研究对象, 旨在探索汉语学习者学习动机的特征, 以及汉语学习者运用何种学习策略来提高其汉语水平. 本研究采用问卷调查法, 深入访谈法以及课堂观察等方法, 以泰国东方大学人文与社会科学学院的163名汉语专业学生为研究对象, 旨在探索学生学习动机和策略的特点, 以及两者与性别, 年级, 汉语水平, 家庭背景和学习时间的关系, 最后分析汉语学习动机与学习策略之间的相关关系. 研究表明, 东方大学人文学院汉语专业学生在语言层面具有较强的融合型动机和工具型动机, 在学习情境层面, 最弱的是结果归因动机. 性别, 汉语水平, 家庭背景和学习时间与学习动机均无显著相关, 但是年级与学习动机则显著相关. 汉语学生广泛应用元认知策略, 记忆策略应用的频率最低. 学习时间, 家庭背景, 性别和学习策略没有明显的联系, 其主要受到汉语水平和年级因素的影响. 虽然, 研究结果显示东方大学人文学院汉语专业学生学习动机与学习策略之间并无显著相关, 但我们在教学实践中也应注意到两者的相互作用.
Motivation is one of the most important determinants of second language learners, while strategies are the methods language learners choose to gain further knowledge. The critical factors in the study of individual learner differences have always had important positions in second language research. Chinese language learning motivation and strategies study is focused on learners who take Chinese as a second language, aim to explore the characteristics of Chinese language learning motivation and use alternative learning strategies to improve their Chinese proficiency. This research uses questionnaire surveys, in-depth interviews, and classroom observations to research and analyze 163 Chinese major students at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of Burapha University. It will also aim to explore the characteristics of students' motivations and strategies in Chinese learning, and the relationship between these two amongst different genders, grades, Chinese levels, family backgrounds and learning times. Lastly, the research will explore and assess the correlation between Chinese learning motivation and strategy. Through this research, we found that Chinese majors students have the strongest Instrumental and Integrative Motivations at the Language Level, and the weakest Casual Attribution motivation at the Language Situation Level. Gender, Chinese level, family background and learning time are not significantly related to learning motivation, while grade is significantly related to learning motivation. Meanwhile, the most common strategy used by Chinese major students is Metacognitive Strategy, and the least frequently used strategy is Memory Strategy. Gender, family background and learning time are not significantly related to learning strategies, while grade level and Chinese Level are significantly related to learning strategies. Although this research shows that there is no significant correlation between the learning motivation and learning strategies of Chinese major students of Burapha University, we should also pay attention to the interaction between them in teaching practice.