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dc.contributor.advisor Fu, Feiliang
dc.contributor.advisor 付飞亮
dc.contributor.author 张子沐
dc.contributor.author Zhang, Zimu
dc.contributor.other Huachiew Chalermprakiet University. College of Chinese Studies
dc.date.accessioned 2022-06-11T08:31:58Z
dc.date.available 2022-06-11T08:31:58Z
dc.date.issued 2021
dc.identifier.uri https://has.hcu.ac.th/jspui/handle/123456789/423
dc.description Thesis (M.A.) (Teaching Chinese) -- Huachiew Chalermprakiet University, 2021 th
dc.description.abstract 随着对外汉语教学在泰国的迅猛发展, 泰国汉语教学也面临着诸多需要解决的问题, 最重要的是教材的使用没有明确的规定和规范的指导, 学校所使用的教材缺乏针对性. 因此, 汉语教材的适用性研究就成为很有价值的研究方向了. 笔者在泰国曼谷科学启蒙国际学校工作, 所使用的《双双中文》教材, 由美国加州王双双老师和中国专家专为海外学生编写, 北京大学出版社出版, 适用于有一定中文基础的学生. 笔者在对外汉语教材编写原则和蒙特梭利教育理论的指导下, 在总结出符合蒙特梭利教育理论的教材评价标准的前提下, 结合本人的教学经验, 对《双双中文》教材展开适用性调查和研究. 本论文主要从以下五个部分论述:第一章是《双双中文》教材与《汉语》教材文本内容分析, 该部分先后对两套教材的语音, 词汇, 语法, 课文, 练习和文化六个方面的内容进行分析, 通过对比研究, 总结出各自的优缺点;第二章是对教材使用者的问卷调查分析, 该部分分析了泰国科学启蒙国际学校师生对《双双中文》教材的看法;第三章是根据蒙特梭利教育理论整理归纳出对外汉语教材的评价标准, 再把前文的研究结果与评价标准相结合得出该套教材的适用性分析结论;第四章是对教材编写和使用的建议, 该部分根据教材分析和评估中发现的问题提出了一些针对性的解决方案. th
dc.description.abstract Chinese teaching in Thailand is facing many problems that need to be solved. The most important thing is that there is no clear regulation and standard guidance for the use of teaching materials, and the teaching materials used by schools lack pertinence. Therefore, the research on the applicability of Chinese textbooks has become a valuable research direction. The author works at the Montessori Academy Bangkok International School. The textbook "Shuang Shuang Chinese" used by the California teacher Wang Shuang Shuang and Chinese experts is specially designed for overseas students and published by Peking University Press. It is suitable for students with a certain Chinese foundation. Under the guidance of the principles of compiling Chinese teaching materials for foreigners and Montessori education theory, and on the premise of summarizing the evaluation standards of teaching materials that meet the Montessori education theory, and combining my teaching experience, the author conducts a survey on the applicability of the textbook "Shuang Shuang Chinese" and research. This article starts with the text of the textbook, combines the comparison with other textbooks and a questionnaire survey of the textbook users, evaluates the applicability of the textbook in the elementary school of Montessori Academy Bangkok International School and Enlightenment in the Montessori education environment provide some references. This thesis deals with the following five main sections. The introduction section describes the background and significance of the selected topic, the object of the study, the research methodology and the research review. The first chapter is the analysis of the text content of the "Shuang Shuang Chinese" textbook and the "Chinese" textbook. This part analyzes the phonetic, vocabulary, grammar, text, exercises and culture of the two sets of textbooks, of the Montessori Academy Bangkok International School on the textbook "Shuang Shuang Chinese"; Chapter 3 is based on Montessori education theory Summarize the evaluation criteria for teaching Chinese as a foreign language, and then combine the research results of the previous article with the evaluation criteria to draw conclusions on the applicability of the set of textbooks; Chapter 4 is the recommendations for the compilation and use of the textbooks. This part is based on the analysis and evaluation of the textbooks. Some targeted solutions are proposed for the problems found in. th
dc.language.iso zh th
dc.publisher Huachiew Chalermprakiet University th
dc.subject ภาษาจีน -- การศึกษาและการสอน -- ไทย th
dc.subject Chinese language -- Study and teaching -- Thailand th
dc.subject 汉语 -- 学习和教学 -- 泰国 th
dc.subject ภาษาจีน -- การศึกษาและการสอน -- ผู้พูดภาษาต่างประเทศ th
dc.subject Chinese language -- Study and teaching -- Foreign speakers th
dc.subject 汉语 -- 对外汉语教学 th
dc.subject ภาษาจีน -- ตำราสำหรับชนต่างชาติ th
dc.subject Chinese language -- Conversation and phrase books th
dc.subject 汉语 -- 对外教科书 th
dc.subject โรงเรียนนานาชาติ มอนเตสซอรี่ ประเทศไทย th
dc.subject Montessori Academy Bangkok International School th
dc.subject 泰国曼谷科学启蒙国际学校 th
dc.title 《双双中文》在泰国曼谷科学启蒙国际学校的适用性研究 th
dc.title.alternative การศึกษาความเหมาะสมของการใช้หนังสือแบบเรียน "SHUANG SHUANG ZHONG WEN" ในโรงเรียนนานาชาติ มอนเตสซอรี่ ประเทศไทย th
dc.title.alternative Applicability Research of "Shuang Shuang Chinese" in Montessori International School Bangkok th
dc.type Thesis th
dc.degree.name ศิลปศาสตรมหาบัณฑิต th
dc.degree.level ปริญญาโท th
dc.degree.discipline การสอนภาษาจีน th

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