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dc.contributor.advisor 付飞亮
dc.contributor.advisor Li, Chao
dc.contributor.author 崔莹
dc.contributor.author Cui, Ying
dc.contributor.other Huachiew Chalermprakiet University. College of Chinese Studies
dc.date.accessioned 2022-12-01T06:18:06Z
dc.date.available 2022-12-01T06:18:06Z
dc.date.issued 2022
dc.identifier.uri https://has.hcu.ac.th/jspui/handle/123456789/956
dc.description Thesis (M.A.) (Teaching Chinese) -- Huachiew Chalermprakiet University, 2022 th
dc.description.abstract 本文以零基础新生汉语口语课的教学设计为线索,从现代对外汉语教学的发展形势入手,做对泰国零基础学生汉语口语教学设计的相关理论研究情况的汇报,阐述了泰国零起点学生的汉语教学设计的研究现状。并对泰国汉语口语课堂上的共性问题进行研究和分析,总结和归纳出一套适应于零基础学生的汉语口语教学设计策略进行了叙述。本文的研究方法采用、案例分析法、调查问卷法、反馈总结法、应用实施法进行研究。选用泰国比较通用的口语教材,暨南大学出版社出版的《说话》教材第一册,以泰国东部民校罗勇公立光华学校初中一年级和高中一年级转校的零基础新生作为教学计划实施的研究对象。进行了针对零基础学生的汉语口语教学设计并做了教学实施。针对教学结果,做了教学设计的反思与反馈,通过调查问卷和课后考试,了解了设计的缺陷和问题,并对零基础新生的教学计划提出自己的看法。本文通过教学实施和教学反馈发现。教学设计要充分考虑受教育者的年龄层次,从而在教学设计中掌握进度;要对教学对象的学习目的进行分析,从而在设计教学时对内容进行调整;要对在每节课的教学设计中充分考虑到受教育者一个学期或一个学习阶段的总体课时,以便统筹规划设计学习内容;对于不同年龄的教学对象,不同学习目的的学习者,要根据他的具体学习时长,选择不同的教学模式,应用到每一节课的教学设计中。. th
dc.description.abstract This thesis takes instructional design of spoken Chinese for new students learning from zero-base as a thread, from the angle of the development of Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language and gives a report on related theoretical research about the instructional design of spoken Chinese for students learning from zero-base in Thailand. This thesis not only describes the current research status on instructional design of spoken Chinese for students learning from zero-base in Thailand, but also studies and analyzes the common problems in the spoken Chinese classes in Thailand. In the end, it summarizes one suitable strategy for instructional design of spoken Chinese for students learning from zero-base. This thesis applies the following research methods: case analysis, questionnaire, feedback summary and implementation method. This research project chose a popular textbook of spoken Chinese in Thailand, Shuohua volume 1, published by Jinan University Publisher. Its study object for the application of teaching plans is the students from the Grade 7 students in junior middle school and Grade 10 transferred students in high middle school of Rayong Guanghua School in the east of Thailand. These two groups of students are zero-based. The author made instructional design of spoken Chinese for students learning from zero-base and applied it in teaching. According to the teaching result, the author gained some feedback and did teaching reflection. Through questionnaires and post-tests, the author reflects on the shortcomings and problems in the design and gave her own view on teaching plans for new students learning from zero-base.Through teaching implementation and feedback, the author discovered that instructional design should consider thoroughly the age of the students and thereby control teaching progress. Instructional design should analyze the learning purpose of the students and thereby adjust teaching content. Instructional design for each lesson should also consider thoroughly the whole curriculum for a semester or a study phase and thereby the overall program learning content. For teaching objects in different age ranges, students with different learning purposes and different learning period, the instructional design should choose corresponding teaching models and apply them to each class. th
dc.language.iso zh th
dc.publisher Huachiew Chalermprakiet University th
dc.subject ภาษาจีน -- การศึกษาและการสอน -- ไทย th
dc.subject Chinese language -- Study and teaching -- Thailand th
dc.subject 汉语 -- 学习和教学 -- 泰国 th
dc.subject ภาษาจีน -- การใช้ภาษา th
dc.subject Chinese language -- Usage th
dc.subject 汉语 -- 语言使用 th
dc.subject ภาษาจีน -- บทสนทนาและวลี th
dc.subject 汉语 -- 对话和短语 th
dc.subject Chinese language -- Conversation and phrase books th
dc.subject โรงเรียนกวงฮั้ว -- ไทย -- ระยอง th
dc.subject Guanghua School -- Thailand -- Rayong th
dc.subject 光华学校 -- 泰国 -- 罗勇 th
dc.title 泰国民校零基础学生汉语口语教学设计——以泰国罗勇公立光华学校为例 th
dc.title.alternative การออกแบบการเรียนสอนสนทนาภาษาจีนสำหรับนักเรียนที่ไม่มีพื้นความรู้ภาษาจีนในโรงเรียนเอกชนไทย : กรณีศึกษาโรงเรียนกวงฮั้ว จังหวัดระยอง ประเทศไทย th
dc.title.alternative Instructional Design of Spoken Chinese for Students Learning from Zero - Base in Private Schools in Thailand : A Case Study of Rayong Guanghua School th
dc.type Thesis th
dc.degree.name ศิลปศาสตรมหาบัณฑิต th
dc.degree.level ปริญญาโท th
dc.degree.discipline การสอนภาษาจีน th

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