This thesis focuses on A course of Mandarin lessons, based on idiom (Guanhua Leibian in Pinyin), a Mandarin teaching textbook written by Calvin Wilson Mateer (Di Kaowen in Mandarin), an American priest who was and is famous in China for the work he did in late Qing Dynasty (the end of the 19th century). One aim of the textbook seemed to have been to encourage other priests arriving in China during that time to learn “Guanhua” (Mandarin). Much of Mateer’s researchers in the past concentrated on his contributions to history, education and religion, but linguists paid special attention to his Chinese language ontology research. There has been very little grammar research about Guanhua Leibian. The time that Mateer wrote and published his work was during the transition period from pre-modern Mandarin to modern Mandarin and spoken Mandarin was its main teaching subject. Therefore, this book recorded numerous rich and valuable grammatical materials. This thesis researches the grammar of Guanhua Leibian, applied related theoretical knowledge of linguistics and Mandarin teaching as a foreign language, sorted out and analyzed 200 lessons in the whole book by combining the characteristics of modern Chinese teaching as a second language. The goal of the thesis is to point out its features and value on Mandarin morphology, grammar, teaching etc. from Calvin and his Guanhua Leibian, and to provide useful references in international Mandarin teaching and textbooks writing.This thesis has six chapters: Chapter 1 is the introduction, containing the background meaning for this topic, related research overview and theoretical methods.Chapter 2 is the brief introduction to Guanhua Leibian, including its writing background, features and basic content.Chapter 3 presents the morphology research of Guanhua Leibian. The book is comprised of single sentences which are mostly independent units through 200 lessons, so it must increase the difficulty in improving vocabulary and learning by studying every sentence. Therefore, the author chose representative words in ten typical word classes like noun, quantifier, pronoun, etc. By describing and analyzing them in details, the author wanted to discover the regional characteristics of Guanhua.Chapter 4 is the syntax study about Guanhua Leibian. In limited time and content, this research chose some typical syntax structure in the lessons and some popular syntax structure in life. Applying modern grammar theories, the author studied sentence patterns, several common sentence structures, sentence variations, sentence classes, etc. As a result, it turned not only easy to know the difference of regional mandarin dialects, but also helpful to grasp its associated parts with modern Mandarin.Chapter 5 is the comparative analysis between Guanhua Leibian and other literature from the same period. It analyzes these literatures within the three categories of teaching principles, layout features and grammar content.Chapter 6 describes the contribution that Guanhua Leibian has made to modern methods of teaching Mandarin as a second language. It gives a basic evaluation of Guanhua Leibian based on this research and explores in depth the inspiration of Guanhua Leibian for Mandarin teaching as a foreign language.