Browsing by Author University of Liverpool. Department of Molecular and Clinical Pharmacology

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021Characterization of T-Cell Responses to SMX and SMX-NO in Co-Trimoxazole Hypersensitivity Patients Expressing HLA-B*13:01Jirawat Pratoomwun; Paul Thomson; Kanoot Jaruthamsophon; Rawiporn Tiyasirichokchai; Pimonpan Jinda; Ticha Rerkpattanapipat; Wichittra Tassaneeyakul; Nontaya Nakkam; Pawinee Rerknimitr; Jettanong Klaewsongkram; Yuttana Srinoulprasert; Munir Pirmohamed; Dean J Naisbitt; Chonlaphat Sukasem; จิรวัส ประทุมวัน; คณุตม์ จารุธรรมโสภณ; รวิพร ติยะศิริโชคชัย; พิมลพรรณ จินดา; ทิชา ฤกษ์พัฒนาพิพัฒน์; วิจิตรา ทัศนียกุล; นนทญา นาคคำ; ภาวิณี ฤกษ์นิมิตร; เจตทะนง แกล้วสงคราม; ยุทธนา ศรีนวลประเสริฐ; ชลภัทร สุขเกษม; Huachiew Chalermprakiet University. Faculty of Medical Technology; University of Liverpool. Department of Molecular and Clinical Pharmacology; Prince of Songkla University. Faculty of Medicine; Mahidol University. Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital; Mahidol University. Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital; Mahidol University. Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital; Khon Kaen University. Faculty of Medicine; Khon Kaen University. Faculty of Medicine; Chulalongkorn University. Faculty of Medicine; Chulalongkorn University. Faculty of Medicine; Mahidol University. Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital; Department of Molecular and Clinical Pharmacology, University of Liverpoo; Department of Molecular and Clinical Pharmacology, University of Liverpoo; Mahidol University. Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital