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Title: Co-extract of green tea and black rice: incremental effect of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties and their freeze-dried double emulsion encapsulated powder
Authors: Nuttinee Salee
Wantida Chaiyana
Songyot Anuchapreeda
Waranya Neimkhum
Srisuwan Naruenartwongsakul
Worrapob Chaisan
Niramon Utama-ang
ณัฐธินี สาลี
วรรธิดา ชัยญาณะ
ทรงยศ อนุชปรีดา
วรัญญา เนียมขำ
ศรีสุวรรณ นฤนาทวงศ์สกุล
นิรมล อุตมอ่าง
Chiang Mai University. Faculty of Agro Industry
Chiang Mai University. Faculty of Pharmacy
Chiang Mai University. Faculty of Associated Medical Sciences
Huachiew Chalermprakiet University. Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Chiang Mai University. Faculty of Agro Industry
Chiang Mai University. Cluster of High Value Products from Thai Rice and Plants for Health
Chiang Mai University. Faculty of Agro Industry
Keywords: Anti-inflammatory agents
Black rice
Green tea
Plant extracts
Double emulsion
Sirtuin 1 enzyme stimulation
Issue Date: 2024
Citation: International Journal of Food Science and Technology 59, 10 (October 2024) : 7550-7559
Abstract: The study explored the combination effect between of green tea extract (GTE) and black rice extract (BRE) and the encapsulation process of the co-extract. A 2:1 (w/w) ratio of GTE to BRE in citric aqueous solution at pH 6 showed the highest antioxidant activity (IC50 = 0.306 mg mL−1) with the strongest incremental effect (combination index = 0.547). It exhibited potent anti-inflammatory effects, with sirtuin 1 enzyme-stimulating activity (28.593 of fluorescent intensity) and NF-κB protein suppression in RAW 264.7 macrophages (57.76% at 100 μg mL−1). Freeze-dried double emulsion encapsulated powder (CEP) with the highest encapsulation efficiency (73.38%) and total polyphenol content (218.28 mg GAE g−1) was prepared using a lecithin to O phase ratio of 2:25 (w/w) and a chitosan-carboxymethyl cellulose to W1/O emulsion phase ratio of 1:1 (w/w). Our findings suggest utilising CEP as a compound in functional food by contributing to improved health and well-being.
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