In this paper, I will report qualitative research findings on how undergraduate students at a small-sized university in Thailand perceive Facebook group usage in a writing class. The findings suggest that the Facebook group can be used as blended learning (a hybrid instructional model) and learning management system (posting announcements and comments relevant to the class and their writing assignments) for the students to learn with, not to learn from, as facilitated by the instructor. The reasons were that they positively viewed the Facebook group usage as a practical, trendy and beneficial teaching tool, which helped to motivate them to learn English virtually and enhance their positive attitudes towards learning the language. When they encounter virtual communication apprehension, the Facebook group usage appeared to be a booster neutralizing their positive attitudes towards virtual interactions. Such positive results may derive from the fact that the students grew up as digital natives and the Millennial Generation using Facebook, the prominent social network site, as parts of their daily life. Teachers of English, who may be seen as digital immigrants or digital immigrant accent, may need to consider use of learning technologies in their writing class.