各国游客购物。近年来中国游客大批来泰旅游,这个服装市场也是不少中国游客喜欢光顾的地方。论文研究的目的是通过曼谷水门服装市场的销售情况,对比分析有汉语 服务的商家是否在营销上具有语言优势,更能吸引中国游客前来购物,通过分析研究 说明水门服装市场汉语服务的实际状况。
论文的研究方法是通过问卷调查和一些文献资料分析,对水门服装市场的汉语 服务情况进行调查研究。论文重点分析了有关商家汉语服务人员的汉语水平和服务情 况,并同没有提供汉语服务的商家进行对比分析。论文内容分三章,第一章概述曼谷 水门服装市场的状况;第二章对曼谷水门服装市场汉语服务的调查和分析评估;第三 章对水门服装市场汉语服务中存在的问题提出改进意见和措施。
根据问卷调查,水门市场商家的服务人员大部分还是用英语跟中国游客沟通, 只有一些商家用汉语跟中国游客沟通。这些商家的销售人员大部分的汉语水平是初级 的。研究结果说明现在曼谷水门服装市场区的汉语使用还不太普遍。大部分中国游客 对水门市场商家的服务还是很满意的。
论文的创新性主要体现在通过对水门服装市场的汉语服务的调查,分析了水门 服装市场中国游客对汉语服务情况的反映,指出良好的汉语服务有利于对吸引中国游 客购物,推动了水门服装市场生意,增加了商家的利润,在客观上也促进了泰国旅游 业的发展。
Pratunum Market is a very busy clothing market in Bangkok, Thailand, attracting many tourists from all over the country. Last year, there were many Chinese tourists in Thailand, and Pratunum Market has become the favorite market for shopping of Chinese tourists. This research aims to study about Chinese service of garments business in Bangkok at Pratunam market and compare analysis of service personnel in Chinese with marketing advantages. The study analyzes the actual situation in the Chinese language services in Pratunam market. The study method of this research is to investigate survey the Chinese language service in Pratunum market through questionnaire and some literature analysis. The paper focuses on the analysis of the Chinese levels and service personnel in Chinese language, to compares with no Chinese service. The first chapter summarizes the situation of Pratunum market, the second chapter is the investigation and analysis in Chinese service at Pratunum market and the third chapter puts forward the improvement on the problems existing in the Chinese service of Pratunum market. The result of study is the service personnel at Pratunum market is almost to communicate in English with Chinese tourists, only some service personnel use Chinese to communicate with Chinese tourists that mostly of Chinese service personnel is low level. The result of study shows that Chinese service in Pratunum market is not very widespread but most of Chinese tourists are still satisfied.