自学校产生之日起差异化就一直存在,同一班级的学生存在着方方面面的学习差异。 早在两千多年前,中国著名的思想家、教育家孔子就提出过了“因人而异、因材施教”的观点。 在当代进行差异化教学的研究领域,汤姆林森(Carol Ann Tomlinson)被称为“迄今对差异教学做出最全面研究的人”。她认为差异教学是对所有学生的学习需求进行响应的教学,其核心思想是根据学生不同的准备水平、兴趣和学习风格来设计差异化的教学内容、过程与成果,最终促进所有学生都在原有基础上得到最大限度的发展。本文对差异化教学策略进行了梳理, 希望对汉语课堂差异化教学策略有所
Since the school came into being, there have been differences in all aspects of learning among students in the same class. As early as 2,000 years ago, Confucius, the famous
Chinese thinker and educator, put forward the idea of "teaching students according to their aptitude and different people". In the field of contemporary research on differentiated teaching, Carol Ann Tomlinson is called "the person who has made the most comprehensive research on differentiated teaching so far". She believes that differentiated teaching is a teaching that responds to the learning needs of all students. Its core idea is to design
differentiated teaching contents, processes and results according to students ‘different levels of preparation, interests and learning styles, and ultimately to promote the maximum development of all students on the original basis. In this paper, the differential instruction strategies are sorted out, hoping to enrich the Chinese classroom differential teaching strategies.