本文引介道家(教)主流思想之老子哲學經典《老子》亦稱《道德經》,「和諧」 理念,對實現和遂行服務社會,僅供例言論述。「和諧社會」 語義意謂著理解的藝術,不在於曾經悟道顯現與否,然以中國主要思想學派,例如, 道家(教)、 儒家、墨家等學說的分析做為回應。 參引《道德經》 第二十五章云: 「人法地,地法天,天法道,道法自然。 」當人類的行為順應自然和諧時,透過對道的理性認知, 人可以轉化天性的「善」, 以和諧的態度和行為對待他人, 亦使全人類都能生活在平衡和進步的和諧社會。這不僅使人能夠系統性地, 對和諧社會的這些理念有深刻理解, 進而以和諧於服務社會,提供了一個參照框架。
This present article provides an introduction to “He Xie” (Harmony), the idea of Lao Tzu, Taoism’s mainstream thought, is of use in the classic Lao Tzu also known as Tao Te Ching, in achieving and satisfying in serving a society. The “Society of He Xie” has the semantic meaning as the art of understanding, and not the presentation of what already has been enlightened, with responses to analyses of ideas among main School of Chinese thoughts, like, Taoism, Confucianism, Mohists. It refers to the Tao Te Ching chapter 25 mentioned: “Man takes his law from the Earth; the Earth takes its law from Heaven; Heaven takes its law from the Tao; The law of the Tao is its being what it is.” When humanity’s actions are harmonious with Nature (Self-so), through well-reasoned awareness of Tao, humans can transfer human nature “Good”, being with harmonious attitude and behavior to toward others, and it is all humanity can be living in balance and progress society of He Xie. It will be systematically not only enabling humans to have a profound understanding of these ideas for a harmonious society, but also offer a frame of reference for He Xie (Harmony) in serving society.