输货物时使业务方能够顺利地进行运输业务。由此,泰国的物流业务得到了发展并受到广泛欢 迎。
本文研究分析的企业是在工作中使用汉语的物流企业,本文主要通过研究其他文件、互 联网查阅,对 J&T Express
泰国公司使用中文的部门的员工进行问卷调查。希望我们能够分 析物流业务中使用中文进行沟通的需求。通过调查发现,大部分员工的公司必须具备汉语
Language is one of the most important aspects of communication in our
human life. Language can help two individuals from different
backgrounds, cultures and places to connect to each other. In the
business setting, we have seen the rise of Chinese language being used
between Thai and China in different business areas such as logistics.
Transportation logistics help expand and boost Thailand popularity in
this particular business area. This thesis has been thoroughly
researched and explored from primary and secondary data including
surveying J&T Express Thailand employees from different departments
that regularly use Chinese in their work, therefore the expectation is
to analyze the need of Chinese language in communicating in the
logistics business. Researchers have found that the majority of J&T
Express Thailand employees need to have well rounded communication
skills in Chinese language ( listening, speaking, reading and writing
skills) to work effectively, especially those who are working closely
with Chinese co-worker or clients.