The researcher used the Chinese language book Hello in teaching and learning at
Assumption College Rayong. Therefore, this research chose to use the Chinese Hello book for primary school students for 1 to 6. In conducting research, it starts with collecting and summarizing content from research that experts have done successfully before. Later, we began to analyze the content of the textbooks. and collect data as well as teaching in Chinese lang uage classes and summarize the results in order to use the results to develop Chinese language teaching in the classroom. It is also expected that the results of this research will be beneficial to learners and teachers of Chinese at the primary school level. At the same time, it is also information that is used as a reference in teaching and learning. This section includes: The first component of research is the introduction. It will present the background and importance of the selected topic and explain studies in Thailand related totheprovision of Chinese language teaching. The first chapter is the current situation of Chinese language teaching in Assumption College Rayong. The main content is to explain the basic situation of the school and the history of the school in providing Chinese language teac hing. The second chapter is an analysis of the vocabulary and grammar of the Chinese language book Hello, which is related to the vocabulary and grammar of YCT. The third chapter is an analysis of the textbook. The main content is a detailed analysis of the textbook and its exercises. The fourth chapter is an evaluation of the textbook and recommend ations. The main content is to express opinions on the advantages and disadvantages of the book for use in solving problems.
The researcher sincerely hopes that the results of this research will help improve and
develop Chinese language teaching in Assumption College Rayong. At the same time, it is expected that the results of this research It can be helpful for schools in selecting textbooks. Students and teachers can use books practically and effectively. Including references for future research.