“主谓宾”结构的语言。但两种语言的句法以及结构还是存在一些差异,这些差异会使泰国汉 语学习者有所影响,使泰国汉语学习者特别是初级阶段,在学习与习得汉语时出现了不少偏 误。本文选取泰国职业学校中专汉语初级学习者的汉语“定语+中心语”偏误分析进行研究与 探讨改善教学方案的方法。本文以泰国春武里科技职业学院的中专汉语初级学习者为研究对 象。最后,将研究成果分享于以后需要做关于职业学校该方面的研究者提供信息,并推动职业 学校的汉语教学。
Although Thai language and Chinese language are in the Sino-Tibetan language family, their sentence structures are related to word order and virtual words to express the meaning of the language, and are also languages with a "subject-predicate-object" structure. However, there are still some differences in the syntax and structure of the two languages in learning Chinese language. Currently, vocational colleges in usages. These differences will affect Thai students who study Chinese language. Lastly, the summary of this study would be shared for future researchers who are interested in related fields for both vocational and general education domestically and internationally.