互动,以及检测评估学生的学习情况。然而如何提高课堂提问的有效性,这不仅是传统课堂 的一大难题,也是笔者在线上教学遇到的一大瓶颈。本文基于
LingoAce 线上汉语教学平台, 结合笔者的教学实践,收集了汉语中级综合课 4 位教师的线上汉语录课视频,每个课时大概 55 分钟,共计
220 分钟,在观察视频的同时将其转写为语料,着手研究线上中级汉语综合课 课堂提问的有效性。
In the interaction between teachers and students in the classroom,
effective questions can help students focus their attention, stimulate
students' thinking, promote teacher-student interaction, and detect
and evaluate students' learning status. However, how to improve the
effectiveness of classroom questioning is not only a major problem in
traditional classrooms, but also a major bottleneck encountered by the
author in online teaching. This article is based on the LingoAce
online Chinese teaching platform and combined with the author's
teaching practice. It collects online Chinese lesson videos of 4
teachers of intermediate comprehensive Chinese courses. Each class
period is about 55 minutes, totaling 220 minutes. While observing the
videos, Transcribed into corpus, we started to study the effectiveness
of classroom questioning in online intermediate Chinese comprehensive
courses. After comparing online teaching classroom questioning with
offline teaching classroom questioning, and combining the
characteristics of online international Chinese teaching, this article
preliminarily designed a scale to evaluate the effectiveness of online
international Chinese teaching teachers’ classroom questioning
(applicable to intermediate comprehensive Chinese classes). Based on
the corpus, the effectiveness of classroom questioning is analyzed
from the perspectives of teacher's question preset, number of
questions, type of questions, content of questions, waiting time after
asking, and teacher's reflection after asking. Through research, it is
found that Chinese teachers lack theoretical reserves related to
questioning, lack of combining questioning with the particularity of
online teaching in the preset stage of questioning, and lack of
diversified combination of pronunciation and text to adapt to online
teaching when asking questions. The effectiveness of the reflection
method in the final reflection stage needs to be improved, thus
affecting the effectiveness of online classroom questioning. Finally,
some suggestions are put forward to address the problems existing in
effective questioning in online classes.