This Article are mentions to analyze and presenting to overall of economic possibility of People's Republic of China to be impact with Thailand economic since the past to currently .It also including to commercial relative the history and trend to international economy in future. Moreover, it will show to the way, direction, and problem also including to Thailand economic situation.
Thailand and China has long time good relations. Presently, People's Republic of China has been classified to be Development country and there are a lot of support from China’s government to development and supporting in education, innovation and industries technology. Meanwhile, Thailand are developing country will try to be develop all of sector.
This Article are mentions to economic of both country and reference to one belt one road strategic and going out policy of People's Republic of China and supporting to Chinese investor to business outside country. Also including to Thailand 4.0’s government policy and Eastern economic corridor of innovation (EECi). Thailand Government are support and expedite the technology and industries with the above policy to be real practice and need to see the success plan in near. The study of economic situation of both country. There are not only for realize to economic security but helpful and importance to Thai and China’s investor for understanding the situation and surrounding and economic potential and trend to development skill to world class.
总而言之,这篇文章将说明中国和泰国的经济状况,并且会利用中国政府注重的一带一路政策 (One Belt One Road)、走出去战略来推动中国人民到国外投资及扩展